papillary mesothelioma pathology outlines

papillary mesothelioma pathology outlines - well  - differentiated papilary mesothelioma is an unusual variant of epithelial mesothelioma considered to be of low malignant potential. The majority of previously reported cases developed in the poritenioum of young women without a history of asbestos exposure. The authors report 14 cases of well -diferentiated paillary mesothelioma,, seven of which originated in the pleura, six in the poritenoum, and one in the tunica vaginalis.

Eleven of the patients were male and three were female, with an average age at presentation of 58 years. Six of the patients had a quantiable hisyory of asbestos exposure. Of the nine cases with complete follow - up, six had clinically indolent disease, one showed resolution after adjuvant chemoteraphy, one prusued an ggresive course, and one died of other causes. These finfings indicate that well - differentiated papillary mesothelioma is a rare variant of mesothelioma with a variable clinical prognosis that is etiologicaly related to asbestos exposure in some cases.


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